Welfare Committee
Ideally, an Organisation should provide a free and enabling environment for workers to interact and discuss pertinent issues with the management. However not everybody with an idea has the courage to seize the opportunity and discuss the idea with the management. Likewise management might not have adequate time to meet all employees as individuals. To this end, progressive companies provide opportunities for workers to organise themselves and elect their own leaders to form a committee that can frequently meet with management to discuss issues affecting workers. Through the committees, workers are encouraged to participate and be involved in shaping issues that impact and affect them through face to face communication with management.
To ensure that the leaders elected by employees perform their role effectively, it is prudent to regularly train the Committee. This training has been developed to equip workers committee members with the basic skills required to perform their roles successfully.
Target Group: The elected members by the Employees.
Course Duration: 3 days for starters / 2 days for refreshers.
Course Outline:
- General Overview of the Company
- The functions and roles of the Welfare Committee
- Characteristics of a good Welfare Committee
- Understanding individual behaviour
- Fundamentals of leadership
- Breaking communication barriers in the workplace
- Running successful meetings
- Grievances handling procedures
- Motivating employees for peak performance
- Productivity improvement and performance management